Pharmatech Process Ointment Mixing Tanks: Precision Engineered for Perfect Blends

Experience precision, efficiency, and quality in every batch

Ointments, the cornerstone of topical medication, are meticulously crafted formulations designed to heal, soothe, and protect the skin. These semi-solid preparations, comprising a drug substance enveloped in a carefully selected base, offer a diverse range of therapeutic benefits. From shielding the skin against environmental aggressors to combating bacterial infections, the efficacy of an ointment hinges on the precise composition and delivery system.

Pharmatech Process, a pioneer in pharmaceutical equipment manufacturing, understands the intricate nuances of ointment production. Our state-of-the-art machinery is engineered to cater to the diverse requirements of ointment formulations, ensuring optimal product quality and consistency. Whether it’s an oleaginous base for deep moisturization, a water-in-oil emulsion for protection, or a water-soluble base for rapid absorption, our equipment empowers pharmaceutical manufacturers to create top-tier ointments that deliver exceptional results.

General Comments About Compounding Ointment Bases

Ointment loss during compounding
Up to 10% of an ointment may be lost due to adherence to vessel walls and mixer surfaces. To compensate, make an excess.
Heating ingredients
Use hot water (around 70°C) to melt ingredients. It provides good temperature control and prevents overheating. Heat the aqueous phase a few degrees higher than the oil phase before mixing. This prevents premature solidification due to faster cooling of the aqueous phase. Use the lowest possible temperature and shortest heating time to minimize water evaporation.
Streamlined Operations
Having a single supplier for most, if not all, bioprocessing equipment can simplify the purchasing process and potentially lead to better integration between different equipment units.
Melting ingredients in order
Melt ingredients starting with the highest melting point and gradually add those with lower melting points. This minimizes heat exposure and enhances the final product's stability.
Cooling the ointment
Do not cool the ointment rapidly with water or ice. This alters the consistency, making it stiffer.
Adding volatile ingredients
Add volatile ingredients (oils, flavors, drugs) when the product is warm. This ensures proper mixing while avoiding ingredient evaporation due to high temperatures.
Filling containers
Cool the ointment to a few degrees above solidification before filling tubes or jars. It should be a thick, viscous fluid. This minimizes layering within the container.
Final consistency
Most ointment bases reach their final consistency and texture several hours after compounding.

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Pharmatech Process Equipments Ointment Plant
Pharmatech Process Equipments Ointment Plants


Explore Our Unique Benefits

Improved Product Quality

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

Compliance and Safety

Flexibility and Adaptability:

Why Choose Pharmatech Processs?

Decades of experience
Deep understanding of ointment production
Consistent Performance


Achieve Superior Ointment Quality with Our Complete Manufacturing Line

Act Now to Improve Your Ointment Production